When “Breaking News” becomes Personal

The Heartbreak of Mental Illness hits Close to Home

by Madelyn Griffith-Haynie, CTP, CMC, ACT, MCC, SCAC

PeggyPink_cropped_152x202Sad News

Peggy Ramundo’s 32 year old son Roger Jeremy was shot and killed by a Cincinnati Police Officer Wednesday afternoon, July 17, 2013 — two shots in the back, into his kidney at point-blank range.  He was observed by his sister to be restrained by four other officers at the time.

The shooting occurred on the back deck of Arlin’s, a Bar and Restaurant where Jeremy had gone for a late lunch, walking distance from Peggy’s home in the historic Cincinnati, Ohio Clifton Gaslight District.

His tragic death came after many weeks of Jeremy’s suffering escalating mania and terrifying paranoia, symptoms of the mental illness he has struggled with since 2003. (His doctor of ten years said he was “too busy” to work him in for an emergency appointment, despite three desperate calls!)

Peggy, Jeremy’s father Rob, sister Alison and their extended family are trying to find some solace in the knowledge that Jeremy’s tormented spirit is finally at Peace, no longer consumed by the terrifying demons that he fought against valiantly and, in the end, unsuccessfully.

LazyCrazyPinkRegular readers of this blog know that colleague and friend Peggy Ramundo is the co-author (along with the late Kate Kelly) of the ADD classic, You Mean I’m NOT Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!, and that she and I offer the ADD and the Spirit Coach Training. [ASCT], currently suspended**


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