Keep up the Pressure for Net Neutrality

Don’t let Congress pretend
they did not KNOW
And make it CLEAR that they will lose their seats
if they don’t REPRESENT the people they were elected to represent

© Madelyn Griffith-Haynie, CTP, CMC, ACT, MCC, SCAC
from the What Kind of World do YOU Want Series

Graphic above from What you need to know about net neutrality (before it gets taken away)

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About Madelyn Griffith-Haynie, MCC, SCAC
Award-winning ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching field co-founder; [life] Coaching pioneer -- Neurodiversity Advocate, Coach, Mentor & Poster Girl -- Multi-Certified -- 25 years working with EFD [Executive Functioning disorders] and struggles in hundreds of people from all walks of life. I developed and delivered the world's first ADD-specific coach training curriculum: multi-year, brain-based, and ICF Certification tracked. In addition to my expertise in ADD/EF Systems Development Coaching, I am known for training and mentoring globally well-informed ADD Coach LEADERS with the vision to innovate, many of the most visible, knowledgeable and successful ADD Coaches in the field today (several of whom now deliver highly visible ADD coach trainings themselves). For almost a decade, I personally sponsored and facilitated seven monthly, virtual and global, no-charge support and information groups The ADD Hours™ - including The ADD Expert Speakers Series, hosting well-known ADD Professionals who were generous with their information and expertise, joining me in my belief that "It takes a village to educate a world." I am committed to being a thorn in the side of ADD-ignorance in service of changing the way neurodiversity is thought about and treated - seeing "a world that works for everyone" in my lifetime. Get in touch when you're ready to have a life that works BECAUSE of who you are, building on strengths to step off that frustrating treadmill "when 'wanting to' just doesn't get it DONE!"

25 Responses to Keep up the Pressure for Net Neutrality

  1. dgkaye says:

    I couldn’t be fighting anymore if I was American! I’ve signed numerous petitions, belong to a few politically active groups and am as angry as any American at the state of EVERYTHING! November 2018 will kick the pants off those thieving murderers when the Dems get back their power and won’t pass a damn thing! ❤


  2. Unless I am missing something, this is the latest post from you. How are you, my friend? Is everything in order?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve been under the weather for a week, Dolly — articles autoposting and sleeping much of the time I usually dedicate to jumping around the ‘net and pounding away at the keyboard. I’m still not back “in order” as you say. The recent Republican overthrow of net neutrality has knocked out what little wind was left in my sails.

      Speaking of “sails” – did I miss the follow-on posts about your boat and your missing friend? (Leave me a link if so) I hope things are well with you and yours and that you have been enjoying Hanukkah this year. Happy Holidays!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am sorry to hear that you haven’t been feeling well. Take care of yourself and get back to normal – feel better!
        One of the WP wonderful people recommended his friend, a reputable web designer, who is almost finished with the site, thank G-d! The boat is still missing. I have just finished my semester, and on the first night of Chanukkah, my e-book came out on Amazon.
        Feel better, and Happy Holidays to you and Tink!


  3. Tina Frisco says:

    I’m so glad you posted this, Madelyn. I’ve been posting and signing petitions since this first became an issue. It’s difficult to gauge the response, but I hope enough of us step up to the plate to stop the avaricious from gaining more control over our lives ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Opher says:

    Reblogged this on Opher's World and commented:
    This is too big to just leave!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. noelleg44 says:

    I’m with you, Madelyn. I foresee having to pay a LOT just to do online research in the future, if we can’t keep net neutrality. It will hinder academic and intellectual pursuits and the sharing of information.

    Liked by 1 person

    • SUCH an important point, Noelle. I don’t know if I will remain online or not, come January. I’ve been struggling with depression since last November’s election results, actually:
      * trying to stay positive after DeVoss clearly BOUGHT her position as Sec. of Education, for which she has zero qualifications, and the Veep’s snarky tie-breaking pride comment;
      * stunned that nobody is speaking of the big ORANGE elephant in the room as the world jumps on the “shocked” bandwagon about the disclosures of the actions of Weinstein and Franken;
      * looking at what’s happening as the rest of the world seems to be following in America’s disappointing footsteps . . .

      NOW that Net Neutrality has been overturned under the Republican thumb of the clearly corrupt FCC I have FINALLY lost my belief that it was a wise choice to have spent my time trading the minutes of my life attempting to turn the ocean liner.

      If some miracle doesn’t happen to restore my hope this month, I will probably quietly fold the panels of my “make a difference” tent and concentrate on keeping a roof over my own head and food on my puppy’s table.


      • noelleg44 says:

        Please don’t do that, Madelyn. It’s not like you! You are a fighter! I am more conservative than you – more of an independent – and I was not completely happy when Obama was elected. There were some good things he did and some not so good, so I tend to look at what’s happening in government with the idea that it’s like a pendulum – it swings back and forth – and we just go with the flow and make the best of it. I’m 73, and the tax reform bill is going to help our retirement a lot (a good thing) but I worry about our posture with North Korea (a bad thing).

        You need to forge on because you give people good information that can affect their lives. That’s your purpose! So don’t ever hang up your hat and retreat! That’s not you!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks for your encouragement, Noelle – much appreciated. I’m sure I’ll feel a bit more positive as I get caught up from being under the weather for a week and my energy returns. I’m truly exhausted, which makes it tough to stay positive, able to bounce back from the ongoing political nonsense that greets me every day.

          Still, it is probably past time to reframe my purpose to reserve time and energy for what *I* need and want too — even though I’m unclear what that kind of change will look like going forward. I will probably need to downsize how much support I can continue to provide for free, so that I can afford to hire some help (or at the very least be able to spend time completely OFF every single week).

          Meanwhile, I would like change to mean having a bit of time to enjoy the holidays, to go through a few boxes on the route to downsizing, to get a few classes and groups ready to go in the New Year to get some money coming in to pay my bills, and to spend more time playing with my puppy every single day, taking him on at least two MUCH longer walks.

          There hasn’t been ANY “leftover” time for any of those kinds of goals in 2016. There is no longer room on my plate unless I remove a few things, which may well mean hanging up my hat and retreating.


          • noelleg44 says:

            Just go with the flow, Madelyn. I’m finding that the easiest right now. Hubs had a three level spinal fusion earlier this month, and I have had to take over everything, and I mean everything, to do with the house and yard, on top of what I already did. We shared. exhaustion doesn’t even begin to cover it. So I just get up each day, make a list of things that have to be done, and force my way through it. It would be better if he weren’t so grouchy, frustrated and nit-picky. But he’s a man and a physician, a horrible combination.

            Just go with the flow! Sometimes I feel like lying on the floor and saying ‘ooooooooom!’

            Liked by 1 person

            • I am so sorry to hear that, Noelle – for both of you, but especially for YOU, since you are exhausted and your Herculean efforts are under-appreciated right now — and I’m fairly certain that he gets the lions’ share of empathy from everyone else.

              What IS it with so many men when their health fails? It’s almost as if they feel entitled to be mean to their loved ones when they are frustrated! I do know personally how difficult it is to be helpless, but treating others like personal Cinderellas is not the most loving plan!

              Where are you finding the drive and follow-through energy to, as you say, force your way through it? It’s wonderful advice, and thank you for taking time to leave it, but (logic be damned) every fibre in MY being is pulling me to go back to bed, pull the covers over my head and stay there forever!

              How do you manage to convince yourself that the changes you are experiencing are temporary and that your efforts can make a difference in turning things around? AGENCY, some neuroscientists call it — bigger than hope, a real belief that our actions CAN impact our experience of living in positive ways. Agency seems to me to be step one on the activation trail (and the lack of it the central problem with depression).

              Events since November haven’t given me much evidence of agency that isn’t paid for with millions I don’t have – and the FCC decision seems to have knocked all agency remnants out of me altogether, leaving me with a bad case of what’s the point. And yet, I am unable to find pleasure or relief in the idea fiddling while Rome burns.

              I gratefully take your “get up and make a to-do list” advice, however. At least I can cross a few simple things I CAN control off my list – like “make coffee” and “make to-do list.” LOL 🙂


  6. paulandruss says:

    Fascinating Graphic Madelyn. Keep up the good work PXXX

    Liked by 1 person

  7. John Fioravanti says:

    Reblogged this on Words To Captivate ~ by John Fioravanti and commented:
    Madelyn Griffith-Haynie exhorts her fellow Americans to keep up the pressure on U.S. legislators to preserve Net Neutrality. Please share!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. -Eugenia says:

    Shared with my Twitter followers.


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